This is an application that has been rated by many reputable newspapers in the world as the world's most secure social networking platform. Produced by the Durov brothers, who are behind Russia's largest social network "VKontakte - VK". You will not need to worry about any issues when using the application, because there is great security of the application. This promises to bring you a great experience in messaging, so what are you waiting for without downloading immediately Telegram now.
Secure & Fast - Best for team chats and work
Now is the era of 4.0, the era of global economic integration and development. Most countries around the world are trying to establish relationships with other countries to help each other
develop. Keeping up with the trend of the world, the first social networking platforms were born like Facebook ... to be able to connect people around the world. Thanks to the advent of social platforms, the geographical situation was no longer a big problem as before. Previously people wanted to send messages to each other, they had to use a handwritten method and then give each other, but now just sitting at home can send messages to anywhere in the world. After years of development, more and more social networks have been launched for users to use. But what's too much is not good, so far there have been many social networks that were born and users do not know which one to use at all. Users became even more bewildered when the world's largest social network, Facebook, acknowledged tracking messages. If you are looking for a highly secure and easy to use the social network, please recommend the app Telegram.
What features the application has so that it is rated better than WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger ... We will learn together now.
The messaging application has a very fast processing speed, far beyond the current applications such as Facebook Messenger ... The speed of the appli
cation has been extremely well optimized by the creative team to people. Use to feel the superiority of the application from the first moment of application. Not only stop at the instant messaging, but also have other fast things like fast loading of photos or videos, fast startup ... With a large image or video file with a resolution as large as 4K, for example, one the number of apps that will notify them that they are too large to send but not for this app. Here we allow sending a file with a maximum capacity of up to 1.5Gb, far more than other applications such as WhatsApp are limited to 16Mb.
Data Synchronization
The application allows users to synchronize data from your phone to a laptop or other devices. Users can now message anytime anywhere without worrying anymore. You only need to create an account to use right now to enjoy the application. Not only devices but the application also allows users to sync even in different operating systems without any problems. The application supports all current operating systems such as iOS, Android, macOS .. you no longer have to worry about interrupting messages.
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